Stories from a polished performer
Wedding Entertainer
Close-up magic for guestsUnforgettable photosA great guest at your wedding
Cabaret & Close-up
For seated guestsCabaret and ParlourFunny and Entertaining
Corporate & Christmas
Awards and celebrationsChristmas partiesUniversities and schools
What people have said about Mal
"A very funny man and excellent magician"
Isle of Man Times
A smart and very polished performer
Peter Hepple—The Stage
I can not rate him highly enough, and would recommend him for any event
Shannon Heanney—Plymouth University
Mal Norton
Mal is a magician, performer and entertainer with over 30 years experience as a professional magician. Alongside performing 'M' runs a magic shop and sells a range of modern and classic magic. Take a look at the shop and browse the catalogue.