Wedding Entertainer
Close-up magic for guestsUnforgettable photosA great guest at your wedding
Cabaret & Close-up
For seated guestsCabaret and ParlourFunny and Entertaining
Corporate & Christmas
Awards and celebrationsChristmas partiesUniversities and schools
What people have said about Mal
A very funny man and excellent magicianIsle of Man Times
...the show was very entertaining and pitched were amazing, very talented and comical...the folk really did enjoy the show. It is so good for them to have something fun and intriguing to watch... Sue Leonard–Ravenscroft Care and Nursing Home
I can not rate him highly enough, and would recommend him for any eventShannon Heanney—Plymouth University
A smart and very polished performerPeter Hepple—The Stage
Mal Norton
Mal is a magician, performer and entertainer with over 30 years experience as a professional magician. Alongside performing 'M' runs a magic shop and sells a range of modern and classic magic. Take a look at the shop and browse the catalogue.